I started a project just before Christmas...a novel of sorts and I have most of the story mapped out in my head and the first four chapters written, though I keep revising and over editing them and can't seem to move forward until I feel they are what I want the m to be...I haven't done anything with it in nearly 3 weeks, since school started. The thing that is frustrating to me is that I talk myself out of writing at home because I don't have a computer and I won't want to write something I will have to re-type and revise...a frustration, yes, but not a real excuse. Basically, I think I'm afraid to finish because then it would have to be read by someone who would probably not like it...
Anyway, I wish I had a laptop :) that is my main goal right now. I have saved almost $300, I'm not even sure how, especially because I started increasing my church envelope...hmmm...maybe God is multiplying something because I gave to him when I couldn't afford it...
Anyway, another month or two and maybe I will have that computer and also, I will be through the 9th grade Confirmation and have a it more time to write. I enjoy writing. I feel I am fairly good at it, and I definitely think the story I'm telling is something that will resonate with people...
Anyway I also did my taxes today which was a relief..not a tax relief...and emotional one...I filed on the last day of my extension last year, and I rarely get things done on time and to be finished EARLY is a bizarre feeling. I was just going to do the paperwork to see how much I had to scrounge up by April, because I owed $600 last year and that was the reason I extended..then I paid the $600 in November and they sent me back a $600 stimulus...could have saved a dollar on stamps and called it a wash but whatever...so this year I only owed $59 and I paid it right away, and I'm actually getting a $388 refund from the state so that is cool! Its going into my laptop fund...I know I could probably get a Walmart "Acer" laptop already...but I want it to be nice. I'm not really big on things, but I want something that is quality and won't break when it comes to big ticket items. I don't have many, really just my phone and car (which is limping along yet still reliable). When it comes to a computer I just don't want a cheap one. I want to get either a Hewlett Packard or a Mac Air...I'm not sure which yet...I have a while to decide...it'll take me until at least August to save up enough for either...
I went to mass this morning in a small catholic bookstore. My friend and advisor for school, Fr. Brad, was the celebrant. It was able to coincide with a trip for work as we had to go tot he bookstore for the parish library and supplies for the second grade...okay, well they could have mailed it, but we had the field trip instead :) My assistant Susan drove and we had a great time. Fr. Brad gave me a beautiful sterling silver Miraculous Medal and a wooden rosary. His homily was wonderful, he talked about how we use these microscopes on our lives and troubles, getting sidetracked from joy , love and blessings of life by all the little things that aggravate, irk, trouble, and annoy us. He encouraged us to always use a telescope to see the bigger picture of life and unify our small sufferings to the cross of Christ in order to strengthen our resolves to always be positive and joyful with those we encounter. Its great advice and a wonderful perspective I've seem him live out for the past 7 years I have known him...I can do it in fifteen minute intervals when I'm reminded by someone holier than me... so that is my goal..to be positive and joyful and to unify every suffering and aggravation to the cross so I will always be joyful...
I'll let you know how that one works out...
In about an hour I am meeting with a 9th grade boy to talk with him about his faith and see if he wants to be confirmed or not. I'm praying for the right words of encouragement and faith to share with him. He is afraid I'm going to yell at him. I just want him to understand what confirmation means and does for us as Catholics, he is not sure he wants to be catholic. Its a hard decision for a 14 year old to make and he needs a lot of support. I hope it goes well...i got him a few books, with a lot of Q&A about the mysteries of God and beliefs of Catholicism. "Did Adam and Eve have Belly Buttons?" and "Did Jesus Have a Last Name?" They are geared towards Catholic teens questioning their faith.
After that we have a confirmation test review class from 7-8...and after that...I am going home to watch "the office". I hope it is a new episode.
Quote of the day:
"It's a feral barn cat. I trapped it last night and I am giving it to you as a replacement cat for the one I destroyed."
Dwight, to Angela
Looking forward to reading your book. I bet it is inspirational. I am sure you will have the right words for your 9th grader. You are gifted that way.
Let me read it Annie. I have old laptops you can use. Plus, the one I'm using right now is actually yours and you should take it back!
I mean, I'll read it when you are ready. Work on it as long as you want and then I'd be happy to check it out.
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