Universal health care is a issue of social justice...true social justice comes from compassion and understanding of the individual, not from laws being passed by governemnts over the governed. Washington is snowing everybody... I truly feel this bill had very little to do with health care and everything to do with stirring up emotional politics of the left and right and satisfying the special interests. I am neither left nor right, I am a constitutionalist. I am as appauled by this health care bill as I was at the patriot act. Has anyone actually read the 2300+ pages of this bill? I have read a lot of it today...they don't want yout o read it...and its disturbing and sets precedent for the government to continue to take over every remaning free market system in the country. Big Brother is growing bigger and bigger...They now have the banks, the auto industry, housing, and health...where does it end? Perhaps in a utopian society universal healthcare would be a beauitiful thing, but America is far from a utopian society..it is the great experiment.... a country based on freedom of the individual as much as America is, and there were specefic provisions made in the constitution to prevent universal ANYTHING so that people would remain free without the government controling aspects of their lives...what starts as a percieved aid, becomes control. This bill is unconstitutional and there is a clear reason why no president has been able to pass it since Woodrow Wilson first brought up the issue in 1912. A government big enough to give you what you want is big enough to take it away. What about the fact that taxes will increase for 4 years before coverage is effected...or that 500 billion in medicaid and medicare benefits will be cut to provide healthcare to the uninsured? I work in healthcare for the geriatric community and as a professional I have my own views on reform being needed more than new law. According to the wording in the bill, 65% of the funding for the elderly patients I tend to will eventually be "phased out" and "re-evaluated" I have very strong opinions about that, which I will vote my conscious on in the future...Everyone has an opinion, its my opinion that it is unjust that, should I not like the government plan, my private plan I now work and pay for will go up in price by an estimated 200% ... that is unjust ... Its further my opinion that it is not freedom that if I shoud not choose to then be supported by the governent plan, should I SO CHOOSE to not have insurance...I will then be fined and possibly incarcerated should I be unable to pay my fine. This does not feel like freedom to me... These feels like Washington saying "this is what we came up with and it may not be better than what you had and I'm certainly not going to use it but everyone else has to because a lot of people didn't have anything"...and you all have no choice but to sign up or pay the piper...that is not freedom in my humble opnion...READ THE BILL ...The FACT is that more lobbists and pharmacutical and insurance companies were involved in writing this legislation than were elected officials and that has been hidden from the publlic, as it always is whether it is a republican or a democrat in power...Lobbists and the corporatins they work for are the real problem here. It is very important to READ everything both sides have to say and find the cloudy ugly truth that is dissapointing to both sides...the truth is ussually in the middle somwhere. If you could see anything from the past administration it is that executive orders are no way to get lthe laws you want passed by congress...
I have a feeling I'll be having headaches reading all the information for awhile to be truly informed.
Peace and happy reading...
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