Tuesday, May 5, 2009

tuesday blues

So a while ago I wrote about how great thunderstorms are.

I stand by that, what I don't like is light or medium rain. No thunder, no pounding buckets of torrential floods. It is not powerful enough to be cool, so it settles for being an annoying inconvenience. And we have it forecast for the next five days...boo.

Also, today I overslept by 20 minutes and missed morning mass, which always makes me cranky. When I can;t enter into the eternal existence of heaven through witnessing the consecration and receiving the Eucharist, the rest of the day seems very worldly and pedestrian and everything annoys me. Jeez, I don't sound very Christian writing that. What I mean to say is that attending daily mass makes me strong enough spiritually to face the day as the best version of myself. My soul is having an annoying rainy day as well due to not being at mass. Add to that a migraine and a meeting up at school on my thesis which I have no concrete topic for just mental outlines that I can't fully articulate today, and I'm kind of cranky and upset.

I know its not a big deal, I also know it will pass and I'll be my cheerful self again in no time. But today I'm frustrated and tired and also ending this blog because looking at the screen is hurting my head more and I am procrastinating on my thesis meeting which is in twenty minutes. Then I have an interview with my advisor about what courses to take next year and when, if ever, I will graduate and I just wish I could focus more or reschedule.

and the annoying drizzle persists and made my hair frizzy and my mascara run.

Wow apparently I'm just a big baby complainer today...take a pill Annie...

ha ha, I'm a dork
later gator

1 comment:

Maria said...

not baby at all. Just a really awesome person who thinks deeply