Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Manifesto Politico: I'm not political, but my world is...

I usually could care less about politics...especially when idiots in the media and Hollywood celebrities and extremists on polarized sides of the party dichotomy are all chiming in, constantly, everywhere you turn, loudly and obnoxiously and relentlessly.

Since when did it become okay for educated.... forget that, lets go with mildly intelligent people.... to act as if anyone who disagrees with them is automatically ignorant. What the hell is a pundit and who cares what they think?????

Obviously all of these very important people reporting, not the news, but their opinions and leanings, should be listened to and revered, when they can manage to not talk over each other...because the only opinion worth having, expressing and worth listening too, is theirs.

Pundits and politicians have quietly hijacked us as country and a people, taking the greed ridden, wide and easy road to perdition, corrupting a system our patriotic and sacrificing military families depend on to be just and honor their sacrifice....corrupting social programs with our tax dollars, corrupting our environment with unregulated pollution, abusing our privacy and our human rights and our religious freedom. All t he while most of the masses sit by unaware watching idiotic shows like "The View" and "Flava-flav's" latest journey towards love...or believing everything the New York Times or The New York Post have to say about anything political ...but really caring more about Page Six gossip.

And I have always known but never really tried to care too much, because I feel too insignificant to be able to change anything except my own mood by thinking about it...

I guess today was just the last straw on expressing my anger because more soldiers died yesterday and no one reported it ...because you can only hear about the 4160 Iraq and Afghanistan casualties if you go to because the fall out is economic, and that is all that people seem to care about....most people don't even realize that we owe China trillions of dollars....and there has been yet another bail out...85 billion tax payer dollars to an insurance company while the CEO's keep their millions and their houses and their boats...and while the pundits and politicians sound off and fight while never addressing the real issue, that the corrupt military industrial complex controls our nation. (most people in the country are unaware of what the military industrial complex even is)

On a personal note, I know two people who have died in the war, whose lives were given for love a country that isn't loving them back the right way...whose families must go one without them forever and will never be the same...I have a few friends and acquaintances over there and my sister Kathy, being active duty Air Force, knows so many families affected by this war... and I just feel there has to be a better answer than cut and run or stay indefinitely... where is the middle ground to solve this? I don't pretend to know...but someone running should have better answers than any of the ones I heard so far... I'm dissatisfied... I want something better

The economy is such a mess...we're headed for 'grapes of wrath' 21st century style pretty soon...and I'm frustrated...

We are stuck with these ridiculously evil insurance companies and banks with unwarranted bail outs when they should all be going to jail...but they won't because they fund the political the lobbyists...

My experience of the insurance company is this:

My health insurance company, which has never forgotten to take money from my small paycheck, refuses to pay my medical bills I incurred while in Peru building an orphanage....and refuse to tell me why...difficult doesn't describe my phone calls....ridiculous doesn't describe the run-a-round I get...

And my federal government can give the insurance company billions more....but can't seem to get my $600 'stimulus' check to me...which is more than I make each week... and quite another run-a-round...

I heard yesterday that the government controls 1 dollar out of every 5 that you spend...that's not a lot really...20 bucks out of every hunderd....20%...not too darn bad ...IF IF IF they were a good steward of that dollar!!!! We get a lot for that dollar in theory and sometimes in reality, on local level definitely(depending on your home town, mine is pretty good), police and firemen, infrastructure and ......'government'....

That last part....the national part....ugghhhh...I feel like when I give my dollar to the 'government' I'm giving money to a straight up crack ....two crack heads fighting over the last bit of crack in the neighborhood....all they can think about is the crack...but they are so strung out...they are not clever enough to see the best way to get the crack...or that they probably shouldn't be a crack head if they want to stay alive very long....

I think its a good analogy....china and corrupt CEOs and lobbyists are the drug dealers...and republicans and democrats and public ignorance are the warring crack heads and for some reason...we, the smart people, with no money and no power.... can't do anything about it...are like the wise old grandma in the crackhead zone who just locks herself in her apartment and prays for things to get better...but will probably be shot accidentally in a drive by...

I know I should be able to continue to rise above such things and be a true Christian in my thoughts and actions...but this constant abuse is mild in my own personal case that I relay...I still have a paycheck and I can pay my rent and buy food...many people can't....and when I think of them and how helpless they must feel...I feel like my anger is of the righteous persuasion, like Jesus and the money changers in the temple....

I'm just wondering when and how Christians might rise up together and 'flip over' some carts of those corrupt people...

and I guess I need to stop watching the news so much because dang I hate pundits and politicians a whole heck of a lot more than the healthy amount right now...

I got my voting location assigned to me today and although I will vote, because I have to in order to feel worthy of an opinion, to not be hypocritical...but it feels a bit more than hopeless....

This is totally another topic now..but anyway...even though its 'taboo' and 'against women' and 'anti-feminist' and 'archaic'- all things I have been called for feeling this way...this is how I will vote...and why...

Not just because the other issues I talked about above are not going to go away or going to be solved very productively in all likelihood, but mainly because it is a more important issue to me.
I will have to, morally, religiously, vote on the paramount issue of the right to life, because without the right to exist, all other issues become mute...Abortion to me, is not one issue among many, but holds more importance because the issue of life is more important than any other: the economy, the war the environment, all of it is nothing to me compared to a human life. Some people say, "What about the life of the soldier", and that is true, be he at least had his own voice and choices. And people will say, "What about the environment?" Well, what about all the environmentalists, possibly a great one, being aborted....Or I love this one" What about the woman" What about cause and effect, if you don't want a child that badly..then control your own body before hand...and if you make a mistake....How is the government obligated to allow you to be so selfish as to not give 9 months to a life to you created, geez just be an incubator there are so many groups out there to help..."it is a poverty that a human being must die, so you can live as you wish"- Mother Theresa.....
To me, its more important issue to be alive and to have a just IS....maybe a great politician, who could help us out of this mess is being aborted right this moment, or has been already.

And because Obama thinks that issue is above his pay vote is not wanted by him...because I believe that to seek the office is to have the responsibility to those you represent, all those, in and out of the womb...its all about location really...location location location...and the uterus is a bad location for the fetus in danger these days.... I could never vote for him.

I heard a woman on the radio today...she is 31 and survived a saline abortion as a 7 and 1/2 month old fetus. She would have been killed outside the womb if the abortion doctor had been there, but he was late that morning and a nurse called an ambulance....

She has cerebral palsy and other developmental problems...the mother that tried to abort her kept her for 3 months until she was taken away by CPS...she was adopted at age three, she has run 2 marathons. She is now a 'born-alive' advocate, working to protect the rights of children, babies, fetuses...that survive abortion, a voice for the voiceless...

Obama has voted against 'born alive' legislation 4 times...
so....I will vote McCain...sadly the lesser of two evils type of vote...hypocritical a bit...on the other issues...but not enough so to have me vote for a pro-choice candidate, that would be more hypocritical to me.

I would like to vote for Ron Paul, but he's not running anymore...I loved him with Nader on 'The Situation Room' interviewed by Wolf Blitzer (uggghhhh blitzer), that was a cool interview

I really really really wish Nader was Pro-Life

....I would like to vote 3rd party candidates, but all of them are either 'pro-choice' or ignore abortion as an issue...I've researched them all, Nader, Barr...etc...etc...and it seems to me that most 3rd party candidates lean towards some sort of social fascism, socialism, or marxism and all lack the unborn as a platform issue...

When I first registered to vote, it was in New York State's Right to Life Party, I didn't know at the time that this party only existed in New York...and now it no longer exists. There is a National Right to Life Committee, but no party...I have no party ....

Good video about the two party corruption here:, third video down...Ron Paul's statement to the nation, September 10th

In the words of homer...not the real one, but the simpson...
"don't blame me I voted for kodos"....

I am party-less woman...But here are some fun definitions of the third parties out there !!!


And I'm done...


Chris said...

I liked your post. Consider writing in Ron Paul. McCain is a corrupt demagogue. I think he pretends to be pro-life so he can capture the vote.

'I'm (insert candidate name here), and I approve of any message or stance that will lead to my election as President.'

andrea johnson said...

Hey thanks, yeah I might anyway, if they allow write ins at my polling place...

Thanks for reading it it was super long and quite a meandering rant.

Were you able to watch the Paul/Nader clip???

Maria said...


I read this one second! WOW, Angry young woman aren't you!!

It's nice to read someone who has an opinion and belief with facts to back it up! I haven't watched the videos but will take the time to do so.

I hate the pundits and politicos too. Campbell Brown is an opinionated boorish egotistical idiot and Meredith and Matt are starting to get on my nerves.

We were talking about the election the other day at work and agreed that McCain is the lesser of two...I know it will make Matt mad....but it's true. While Palin seems OK it scares me if something happens to McCain and she becomes President....who is really pulling the strings there....You know she won't really be running the country.

The same holds true to Obama. How does someone so young get so many people behind him??? Who is pulling his strings and calling the shots???
But at least its not Hillary and Bill....what a farce that would have turned into!!

I like Paul and Nader and in fact voted for Nader last time but if I vote for them now it takes avote away from McCain and actually gives a vote to Obama...

What is a voter, an American to do???

I agree though...McCain is only pro-life because Obama isn't and it can get him votes. Though I do respect the man and all he went through as a prisoner of war.

Chris...I have to say I love your public service announcement.